Top 10 Google adsence Earner Websites

Top 10 Highest Google adsence Earner Websites 
Adsense earner in the world does not fix every year we are seeing new top 10 Adsense earner list. After giving 2016 report today we are sharing with you World highest Google Adsense earner 2016, Make Money Using Google Adsense is one of the best ways for making money online. Higher earner list of Adsense publisher is very useful for schedule our future in blogging career, I am to say you just read their blogging career and follow them for better success.

1. Mashable 

 This website alone is one of the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology with the name as Mashable. The site Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the globe with new findings.

Launched  –                    2005
Founder –                       Pete CashMore
Adsense Earning –        $6,00,000 Per Month
Monthly Page Views –  25 million

2. Weblogs

This is not a single website even “Weblogs, Inc. is a blog network of about 90 blogs, and it is covering a variety of subjects, from computers and gaming to the likes of food and independent film over and over and It was bought by AOL in 2005 for $25 Millions. 

Launched –                    2003
Founders: —                   Brian Alvey and Jason Calacanis
Adsense Earning –        $190,000 Per Month
Monthly Page Views – 25 million

3. Digital Point

Here another website name is Digital Point. And it is one of the most popular discussion forums on the web related to Search Engines, including Optimization and Marketing, Tools and other Technical aspects. 

Launched –                     1995 (under the name Data Point Solutions)
Founder –                       Shawn Hogan
Adsense Earnings –       $5,00,000 / month

4. blog was started by blogger Michael Arringtonin the year of 2005.And this site specializes in information for Start ups and Technology.   It has High quality audience from around the world have made him one of the most influential bloggers in the world in 2010 AOL bought it over for $30 millions. 

 Launched –                        2005
Founder –                           Michael Arrington
Adsense Earnings –           $2,40,000


This is and it is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web around the globe. About this site  The famous social news website was started by Kevin Rose  as the name, and he is valued at over $31 Millions. Digg is another one of the high earning adses websites on this list. 

Launched –                          2004
Founder–                             Kevin Rose
Adsense Earnings –              $250,000.00 per month
Daily Visits –                       1 Million Visitors a day

6. Perez Hilton

This website is created with the name “Perez Hilton”. And it was started by Mario Lavandeira who has earned a name for offering celebrity news and juicy gossips on their website. All the time he writes 25-30 post everyday.  And Blogging has made him a celebrity and he regularly gets featured on talk shows and events on daily basis. 

Launched –                         2005
Founder–                            Mario Lavandeira
Adsense Earnings –           $2,00,000
Daily Visits –                       1 Million Visitors a day

7. Shoe Money

Here another great success story about Shoe money. This is a blog that teached people how to make money on the Internet. It was started by Jeremy Shoemaker and You may have come across the famous photo of him with a check for $130,000 (one-month earnings from Google AdSense) that became popular a few years ago in the world or earning online people. 

Launched –                           2003
Founder –                             Jeremy Shoemaker
Adsense Earnings –             $140,000 per month


Now here we discuss Tweetmeme was a website that tracks Conversations, Stories and Trends on one of the Biggets Social Networking Websites, Twitter. And at this websites the famous RetWeet button found on nearly a million blogs was initially at first time introduced by Tweetmeme. At that time no doubt that was one of the fastest growing sites and rose to a Global Rank of 300 in just in single year. 

Launched –                     2008
Founder –                       Nick Halstead
Adsense Earnings–        $2,25,000 / Month
Traffic –                           385,000 unique visitors / month

9. Plenty Of Fish

The website Plenty of Fish was started by Canadian internet entrepreneur Markus Frind and his Girlfriend in the year of 2003 soon after starting his site at that time he was only able in making $40 a day from Adsense Program. And same by the year 2007 on good days, his daily earnings had risen to as high as $30,000 a day from more than over 1 billion page views a month I think this was the great achievement. 

Launched –                     2003
Founder –                       Markus Friend
Adsense Earnings –       US$300,000.00 per month


Most of the people on internet think that only the big names can earn money via Adsesense, Here is take a look at this site from India below by Pankaj Agarwal founded Clickindia just 2 years ago and it zoomed up with classified ads posted by people all over india in Alexa top 1k list now at present . Further he earned in Adsense clickindia only revenue model and thus they have Optimized the site well for maximum CTR and for becoming the highest Adsense earner from his country at right away.

Launched –                   2007
Founder –                     Pankaj Agarwal
Adsense Earning –      $85,000/ month
Page-views/Visits –     5.5 million unique users a month


10 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy

Using a digital plan to support digital transformation

Where do you start if you want to develop an digital marketing strategy? Well, I don't think it needs to be a huge report, a strategy can best be summarised in two or three sides of A4 in a table linking digital marketing strategies to SMART objectives. Yet despite this it seems that many organisations still don't have a plan.

Do you have a digital marketing strategy?

2016 update: Since 2012 we have run an informal poll to see how widely used digital marketing strategies are. The results have been quite shocking... with around two-thirds to three quarters not have a digital marketing plan. It seems that many are doing digital marketing without a prioritised plan of activities to integrate online marketing...
When we did the research for our free Managing Digital Marketing report published in 2015 we were interested to see how this percentage looked for a defined sample. This is what we found:
Digital Marketing Strategy 2015
So, the latest research suggests an improved approach to planning in this sample of marketers, with fewer than half without a digital strategy. Congratulations if you're one of these companies!

A recommended approach for developing a digital strategy

Whether you have a strategy or not, at the heart of the Smart Insights approach to improving digital marketing is benchmarking to compare where you are now to where you need to be in the future. We have created a free digital marketing benchmarks download with a series of benchmarks covering overall digital strategy and the tactics like Search, Social media, Email marketing and site/experience design.
But what if you're one of the companies that doesn't have a digital strategy yet? Well, I think the two simple alternatives for creating a plan may suggest a way forward:
  • 1. No-specific digital channel plan.
  • 2. Separate digital marketing plan defining transformation needed and making case for investment.
  • 3. Integrated digital plan part of marketing plan - digital becomes part of business as usual.
So, what are the takeaways to act on here? It seems to me that:
  • Using digital marketing without a strategic approach is still commonplace. I'm sure many of the companies in this category are using digital media effectively and they could certainly be getting great results from their search, email or social media marketing. But I'm equally sure that many are missing opportunities or are suffering from the other challenges I've listed below. Perhaps the problems below are greatest for larger organisations who most urgently need governance. There's arguably less need for a strategy in a smaller company.
  • Many, a majority of companies in this research do take a strategic approach to digital.  From talking to companies, I find the creation of digital plans often occurs in two stages. First, a separate digital marketing plan is created. This is useful to get agreement and buy-in by showing the opportunities and problems and map out a path through setting goals and specific strategies for digital including how you integrated digital marketing into other business activities.Second, digital becomes integrated into marketing strategy, it's a core activity, "business-as-usual", but doesn't warrant separate planning, except for the tactics.
If you don't have a strategy, or maybe you want to review which business issues are important to include within a strategic review, we've set out the 10 most common problems, that in our experience arise if you don't have a strategy.

10 reasons why you may need a digital channel strategy?

1 You're directionless

I find that companies without a digital strategy (and many that do) don't have clear strategic goals for what they want to achieve online in terms of gaining new customers or building deeper relationships with existing ones. And if you don't have goals you likely don't put enough resources to reach the goals and you don't evaluate through analytics whether you're achieving those goals.

2  You won't know your online market share

Customer demand for online services may be underestimated if you haven"t researched this.  Perhaps more importantly you won't understand your online marketplace: the dynamics will be different to traditional channels with different types of customer profile and behaviour, competitors, propositions and options for marketing communications. See online marketplace methodology post.

3 Existing and start-up competitors will gain market share

If you're not devoting enough resources to digital marketing or you're using an ad-hoc approach with no clearly defined strategies, then your competitors will eat your digital lunch!

4. You don't have a powerful online value proposition

A clearly defined online customer value proposition will help you differentiate your online service encouraging existing and new customers to engage initially and stay loyal.

5. You don't know your online customers well enough

It's often said that digital is the "most measureable medium ever". But Google Analytics and similar will only tell you volumes not sentiment. You need to use other forms of website user feedback tools to identify your weakpoints and then address them.

6. You're not integrated ("disintegrated")

It's all too common for digital to be completed in silos whether that's a specialist digital marketer, sitting in IT or a separate digital agency. It's easier that way to package digital marketing into a convenient chunk. But of course it's less effective. Everyone agrees that digital media work best when integrated with traditional media and response channels.

7. Digital doesn't have enough people/budget given its importance

Insufficient resource will be devoted to both planning and executing e-marketing and there is likely to be a lack of specific specialist e-marketing skills which will make it difficult to respond to competitive threats effectively.

8. You're wasting money and time through duplication

Even if you do have sufficient resource it may be wasted. This is particularly the case in larger companies where you see different parts of the marketing organization purchasing different tools or using different agencies for performing similar online marketing tasks.

9. You're not agile enough to catchup or stay ahead

If you look at the top online brands like Amazon, Dell, Google, Tesco, Zappos, they're all dynamic  - trialing new approaches to gain or keep their online audiences.

10 You're not optimising

Every company with a website will have analytics, but many senior managers don't ensure that their teams make or have the time to review and act on them. Once a strategy enables you to get the basics right, then you can progress to continuous improvement of the key aspects like search marketing, site user experience, email and social media marketing. So that's our top 10 problems that can be avoided with a well thought through strategy. What have you found can go right or wrong?

How to Increase Sales with Social Media

How to Increase Sales with Social Media

Though the world may seem large, we’re closer to one another than ever before thanks to social media. While these new innovations might make life more convenient for people who thrive on reaching out and touching someone, they’re incredibly reliable and efficient for marketers and businesspeople looking to improve their sales.

Billions of people use social media around the globe, and as a low-cost way to market, it’s hard to beat social media to boost your company’s profits. Listed below are four solid tips and methods that you can instantly begin using to sell products with the help of social media websites, and ultimately increase sales with social media.

Tips for Increasing Your Bottom Line

1. Focus on Relationships

Your inclination as a businessperson may be to push your product at every turn. But a social media message that says “Buy me!” isn’t nearly as effective as a message that plays into the social context of any particular site. For instance, if you’re using Twitter or Facebook for posts and status updates, save your selling and instead give your niche something interesting. A funny meme, quality pictures or videos, an informative infographic – these things will draw far more attention to your posts. From your social media material, you can easily backlink people to the required destination. A “Buy me” message may get a few views, whereas something of social value may take off and trend. Increasing your sales doesn’t necessarily mean selling harder. It’s about selling smarter.

2. Use Trends and Tools to Your Advantage

When it comes to increasing your sales, social media can help in many ways. Use the various tools and trends of social media sites to your advantage. For instance, make sure that you use relevant hashtags on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Using the right tags will make your brand more visible to a much larger audience. You can also show brand consistency in using hashtags to promote different contests, new products, etc. On a site like Facebook, also make sure that you take advantage of your targeting options. When you target the right audience, you’re going to get far more hits. Everyone knows that not every visitor is a customer, but building a thorough base definitely gives you more opportunities to sell.

3. Become a Problem Solver

No matter what you’re selling, you’re probably surrounded by a lot of competition. What’s going to set you apart from your competition is your ability to cater to exactly what your niche is after. This is where posting great information comes in handy. Using social media as a platform to inform potential customers rather than a way to simply show them your products is how you eventually develop more customers. So, your potential customers have a problem that your product can solve? Relay this message using social media. Post real product and user reviews. Post videos with examples of how your product works and why people should buy it. If price is a problem, show your customers with social media how you’re offering an affordable solution.

4. Recognize Your Opportunities


One of the best ways to increase your sales with social media is to recognize your opportunities. This is a combination of watching the market for shifts in trends, and in paying attention to your particular base. The cliched phrase “strike while the iron is hot” fits well here, as it’s important to market directly to a viable, interested crowd and not simply putting ads out into the ether hoping they stick. Use elements on Facebook like Graph Search to follow conversations and trends. Find the people interested in what you’re brand is offering and target them. Use the same type analysis on Twitter to recognize when something is trending so that you can act in a hurry. Social media gives you a great platform to act as an opportunist.
When it comes down to it, you increase your sales with social media by working on becoming an engaging brand with social media. The idea here isn’t to list your products as if it’s a sales page with a shopping cart on it. Instead, you want to foster relationships, develop interest, and get more and more people into your sales funnel. You want to create a solid brand image, build a fan following, and give your niche a real reason to stick with your brand. If you can do these things, you can increase your sales.


Top 10 Website for free html templates Downloads

Top 10 Website for free html templates Downloads

Here is Top 10  website where web designer easily find website templates. This templates are free of cost and free to use. Use of templates is the best for time saving and quick work. Html Developers provide this time top 10 website for free website templates downloads. The categories of templates are HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, Jquery, JavaScript and more.

       All professional free premium responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Templates have functionality and features of HTML5 and CSS3. Using HTML5 and CSS3 features are popular among web designers nowadays. HTML5 also provide great features to create animation on web instead of flash animation. Websites developed in HTML5 animation will not require adobe flash support on your web browser anymore, provided that your browser supports HTML5. There are more kind of html5 css3 html css website templates..

     The provide the big no's of free website templates. Here you can find large no of categories website templates. All the templates are free to downloads and free to  use.

Here you will find around 50 free responsive html5 css3 website templates which can be used on your new website to alter, create high quality templates of your own without working from scratch. Be it for portfolio websites, software & product app landing pages, corporate website showing services, simple blog, photography galleries or even shopping websites you can use this brilliant set of templates we have introduced for you to build anything creative. 

 With more than half the internet users accessing the web though their mobile phones, website layouts that are not responsive are destined to be failures. A responsive layout will fit the size of any screen resolution and allow the user to browse the website seamlessly on any operating platform such as Android, Windows and Mac.

Are you looking for a quick and easy to edit platform to speed up your web design process? Well, you have come to right place. We have collected 50 fantastic pre-built responsive HTML5 templates that with just a little bit of creative tweaking will have your web design project live in no time. And the best thing is they are all FREE!

Free Download premium quality Free HTML5 website Templates & Responsive Bootstrap Themes.

Bootstrap is an open-source CSS and JavaScript framework developed by the team at Twitter. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap makes front-end web development faster and easier.

Magister. Magister is a free responsive, single-page HTML5 template based on Twitter Bootstrap framework. Good for personal or "Coming soon" landing page.

Simply download a CSS file and replace the one in Bootstrap. ... Bootstrap themes are released under the MIT License and maintained by the community on

Bootstrap Zero collection of free Bootstrap themes and templates. ... One page split Bootstrap template. ... Free Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

How to find bugs in a website ?

How to find bugs in a website ?

As a tester you should perform or consider below mentioned test scenario for web testing.

1.Functionality testing :- This should cover the functionality offered by your website.

2.Usability Testing :- Usability testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users. 

3.Compatibility Testing :- Issues like cross browser compatibility can be tested.

4.Interface Testing :- In case system is interfacing with external systems them interface testing helps to ensure proper handshaking.

5.Security Testing :- Security testing is a process to determine that an information system protects data and maintains functionality as intended.

6.Performance Testing:-Load and Stress testing

Enogh information is available if you use google for more information.